Audit & Accounting

We will make sure everything is in the right format, in the right place and at the right time.

The KPS experienced team will relieve you of the regulatory burden and leave you more time to concentrate on your core business activities. In short, we will make sure everything is in the right format, in the right place and at the right time.

Accounting Solutions include:

  • Year End Accounts
  • Managements Accounts & Reporting
  • Digital Accounting Solutions
  • Book- Keeping Services

As Registered Auditors, we prepare external and internal audits in both the UK and Ireland, whether required by law or a governing constitutional document. Our Director-led team with specialist expertise in your industry means we appreciate the risks and understand the challenges of your sector and are therefore able to provide relevant, comprehensive advice and support. KPS will provide practical recommendations whilst also giving the necessary assurance.

Require more information?

If you would like more information or would like to speak to us direct then call us on 028 4461 6258. Or if you would prefer, ask us a question online.

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